PRP Treatment: Stem Cell & PRP For Hair Loss

The medical world is diverse. There are many procedures that are done on a daily basis. We work with people after their procedure to provide rehabilitation services, manual therapy, and chronic pain therapy for those that went through physical painful experiences. Our friends in the medical field, like Dr. Robin Unger, are able to perform treatments to help others. Below is information on how they treat hair loss using PRP treatment.

Hair Loss Treatments

Are you experiencing hair loss? Have you tried shampoos, gels, and other methods of hair restoration, but didn’t notice any results? As a hair loss doctor might explain to you, there are a broad range of treatments that can assist in hair growth and regeneration. Some of these treatments involve an outpatient surgical procedure, while others are less invasive. At this time, there are two popular treatments for hair loss: PRP and stem cell therapy. 

Both men and women can be treated for hair loss with stem cells or platelet-rich plasma. In general, a hair loss doctor will recommend this treatment when other methods have been used, but with little or no success. PRP and stem cell treatment for hair loss are still being researched; therefore they are not approved by the FDA for this condition. That being said, doctors across the U.S. are recommending either treatment to restore hair on the scalp and other parts of the body. 

Stem Cell Treatment and PRP Treatment Are Not The Same

When there is a limited supply of blood to the hair follicles, hair loss can result. If this should happen, the hair can become thin and brittle. Over time, the hair may begin to fall out and not regrow. It is not fully understood what causes hair loss; however, researchers believe it has to do with genetics, age, environmental stressors, and diet, as well as certain autoimmune disorders. When the supply of blood is decreased, the normal growth of hair slows down and eventually stops.  

Stem Cell Treatment for Hair Loss

Stem cells have the ability to grow new cells. At the same time, they can reduce inflammation, improve blood supply to hair follicles, and promote recovery. Body fat is rich in stem cells as is the blood and bone marrow. From each of these sources, stem cells can be harvested and cultivated. When this is done, they can be re-injected into areas of the scalp that are affected by hair loss. 

Platelet Rich Plasma for Hair Loss

Platelet-rich plasma or PRP treatment is similar to stem cell treatment, but it is not exactly the same. Your blood is drawn and placed in a centrifuge where the plasma is separated. This plasma is then placed into a sterile syringe and injected into the treatment site on the scalp. Plasma is between eight and ten times more concentrated than what is normally found in the blood; this results in stimulation, repair, and regeneration of cells in and around the hair follicle. 

No two patients are exactly alike; therefore, what works for one person may not be the right treatment for another. For example, one patient may see impressive results from PRP, while another might notice better results from stem cell treatment or a combination of the two. A hair loss doctor, like Dr. Robin Unger, can help you to decide what is best. 

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