Leander Sports Injury Doctor

What Is A Sports Injury Doctor?

Our Leander, TX sports injury doctor concentrates on diagnosing, treating, and preventing injuries caused by physical activity. Finding a specialist who has your best interest in mind is one of the most beneficial decisions you can make for your health. If you have a sports injury, contact our team today to get back to feeling like you again.

Common Sports Injuries

Austin Physical Therapy helps individuals who live an active lifestyle improve performance, recover from injuries, and prevent new ones from occurring. But when you’re injured, it can feel difficult to decipher if you’re hurt enough to see our Leander sports injury doctor. Knowing what type of injury you have will help you make that decision.

During physical activity, you can experience acute and overuse injuries. Acute injuries happen quickly and are a result of trauma, while overuse injuries creep up on us slowly over time. Here are some examples of the most common sports-related injuries:

Sprains – When you overextend/tear a ligament, the fibrous tissue that attaches your joints and bones.

Strains – Bruising of a tendon (the tissues that attach your muscles and bones) or muscle. Also known as a ‘pulled muscle’.

Swollen Muscles – Often referred to as myositis, which is any condition that causes muscle inflammation. Different causes including autoimmune conditions, infections, or injury.

Knee Injuries – Any injury that limits the knee’s function. In most cases, injuries involve more than one structure. Typical injuries include disolations, sprains, and tears of soft tissues like ligaments. Pain and swelling are the first signs to look out for.

Achilles Tendon Fracture (Rupture) – The achilles tendon is the strong fibrous connective tissue that connects the calf muscles to the heel bone. When you stand on your toes or pull your ankle area, you’ll feel pain above your heel if you have a rupture.

Fractures – A break, usually involving a bone. The three main types are open (open wound or break in the skin where the broken bone is), closed (when the bone breaks but doesn’t puncture skin), and displaced fractures (when the bone cracks into different pieces and moves, misaligning the ends)

Dislocations – Joint injuries that cause your bones out of position. Usually caused by falling or being hit, sometimes from playing contact sports like football.

Rotator Cuff Injury –  A tendon tear in the area surrounding the shoulder joint. Common in those who perform repetitive shoulder movements, like individuals who play tennis, golf, baseball, or swim.

Get The Help You Need From A Sports Injury Doctor

Our Leander sports medicine doctor can help you recover more quickly from your injury and form a plan to avoid hurting yourself again. You don’t have to be a professional athlete to talk to one of our specialists. If you aren’t sure whether to see us or not, it’s better to consult with a professional than risk your health and safety, especially if you’re active in sports. Contact Austin Physical Therapy today to schedule your evaluation.

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